Guide to a Safe and Fun Time in Thailand’s Red Light Districts
Jim Hunt’s Guide to Having a STD Free Holiday with Thai Prostitutes
I’m a pervert. And I’m proud of it. But there’s shit in the sex districts of Thailand that even I wouldn’t do. And I’ll share it all with you today. I know a lot of guys want to know what makes ol’ Jim Hunt’s pickle dance in my pants.
Believe it or not, when it comes to my sexual perversions I have a limit. It seems like I don’t, but really I’m not that all sexually depraved.
I’ve paid for sex with prostitutes while traveling all over the world. In Thailand I can say for certain the ladies here are prettier, cleaner and a lot less bitchy because most have basic English skills.
Through my years over here I’ve picked up enough of the language to hold a conversation on my own. But often times, I play the newbie when possible and pretend I can only speak Swahili.
But there are certain things that I would never do here when it comes to sexual enjoyment. Besides staying away from the obvious stigmas tied to this country and most parts of Southeast Asia, I am a strong safe sex proponent. But I cant’ deny bareback blowjobs. See, you can have your cake and eat it too.
Let’s start off with all the things I wouldn’t do in the red light district of Thailand.
The Shit I Won’t Do
Having Sex Without a Condom – I can’t recall. But I think I was offered sex without condoms about a dozen times during the twenty plus years I’ve been frolicking with prostitutes in Thailand.
I’ve had sex with out condoms before with the good Thai girlfriends that were on the pill. During those times I’ve had short stints of monogamy which never worked out.
And then I usually get offers of condom free sex from Thai prostitutes that I have known at a more personal, deeper level through time. Even then through sheer willpower I refused the offer of raw hot monkey sex.
I’ve had scary moments and close calls before at other countries messing around with hookers. So it’s a lessoned I learned and never forget.
Just Use Condoms So You Don’t Have to Worry
It wasn’t easy but it was necessary. Never have I been offered sex without using a condom from Thai hookers on the first night I’ve met. That’s a good thing. And for the longest time, in my experience, Thai prostitutes always insist that customers wear condoms.
As much as I enjoy having that nice hot silky sensation of a woman’s vagina, my hard and fast rule is to always, always wear a condom. Granted, condoms can not protect you from all sexually transmitted diseases. Here’s an article on a list of STDs that can still spread while your cock is neatly shrink packaged.
Even then, I rather have a piece of rubber sheathed on my cock than not. I suggest you do the same too. Don’t ever think about going in without a condom.
Don’t Kiss Prostitutes
I got slapped on the face once by a Thai hooker I’ve been seeing frequently. I was on top of her going missionary. That particular night, she kept trying to plant her lips on mine. We’ve been seeing each other for several months.
She was really into me. I was handsome then, with a head full of hair, six pack abs and pec muscles that would give Arnold Schwarzenegger an erection.
She was like a starved, hungry fat kid chasing a greasy pork chop around a kitchen.
She tried to wedge her wet tongue, the same tongue that sucked and licked hundreds of cocks and sweaty balls, including yours truly, between my tightly shut mouth.
I kept turning my face. Left and right. Right and left. Frustrated, she finally got the message.
She asked me why I wouldn’t kiss her.
I can’t lie. I told her she just ate my asshole.
Slap. Can’t recall if she hit me twice though. Everything happened so fast and with the light turned off I thought I saw stars.
Never kiss prostitutes. Ever.
Prostitutes make a living with their holes. Lots of things went inside of those holes. I know, ignorance is bliss, out of sight out of mind, blah… blah… blah…
Don’t Eat a Hooker’s Pussy
Speaking of holes, I have no clue why any man would want to go down on a women? Yeah, yeah, sure we’ve seen it for the first time in porno mags (for us old geezers) and porno vids on the net (for all you god damn millennials). It looks good, yummy and tasty. But is it really?
Really, I want you to rewind that tape inside your brain. From your experiences.
Did it really taste good? Leave a comment below as I’m taking a poll.
Guys, I’ve tried, believe me I did. But eating a girls pussy out just doesn’t do it for me. I mean, I like the sensation of getting between a woman’s legs.
But when you’re actually between a girl, while eating her out, there’s a slightly acidic taste that builds up. It’s like having a mouth full of copper pennies. I remember watching porno during my teens. Male porn actors kept saying how sweet pussy tasted.
Rocco Siffredi, you’re a bullshit artist! And you can eat shit as well Peter North! Ron Jeremy, dude, I’m disappointed in you.
All my damn idols lied to me.
The first pussy I ate was the first girl I dated in my home town. It tasted anything but sweet. I was put off of it since then. But I did it anyways because I was pussy whipped. But at least she was a certified virgin.
In Thailand, there were only two instances I ate pussy, at the same occasion. It was on two super hot Thai girls my Thai business partner at the time introduced me too.
They weren’t exactly your normal run of the mill prostitutes. But hookers none the less. They were amazing. I enjoyed my time with them even when one both of them tasted like old leather boots.
I made exceptions for them because, A) I was shit faced drunk and B) Holy shit were they HOT!!!
Don’t Treat Hookers Like Girlfriends
There’s something a lot of stupid knuckleheads do in Thailand. Doesn’t matter if they’re newbies or veterans.
I think you’d agree, that if you saved up some of your hard earned cash to come all the way to Thailand you’d want to have as much sex with as many prostitutes as your budget allows, right? I hope you’re nodding your head in agreement.
You’re not coming here just to have sex with one girl, right? Of course not!
I’m not suggesting anyone mistreat a lady. No one should. But if you treat them like they’re your soulmate, that’s exactly what you’ll GET! You’ve just unintentionally locked yourself to a ball and chain.
There are too many men today that are way too super-sensitive for their own good and sanity. They cross the line with prostitutes by exclaiming how beautiful they are. How sexy they are and worst of all, tell them how much they love them!
Whatever you do, don’t ever cross that line. Focus on your original plan. You’ll have more fun that way!
Don’t Go Where You’re Not Welcome
I tell people that I’m the Indiana Jones of pussy. One of the perks of being single and STD free is that I can enjoy wandering around the world having sex with prostitutes. But where ever I go, I always stick to places where foreigners are mostly allowed to pay for sex with local women.
Local Thai guys have places to mess around with prostitutes also. I made a mistake of suggesting to an acquaintance about a local Thai place they could go on their own if they felt adventurous. I thought why not. He said he could handle himself speaking Thai and I took his word for it.

And the place he went to was not far from central Bangkok. The area I’m talking about is in Huay Kwang along Soi Intamarat. Plenty of foreigners live in that area. I didn’t really see a harm in it.
If you walk up and down Soi Intamarat near Huai Kwang, you will spot many small store fronts, with red and pink fluorescent lightbulbs and Thai ladies in short dresses sitting outside. The whole place screams out hookers for sale!
These establishments operate has karaoke bars, or hostess bars. But there are back rooms for a quickie. Or you can take them back to your place, for the right price.
There’s No Need to Go Where Thai Guys Go
Long story short, he went in, started buying drinks for ladies that kept him company. He sang a few songs and tried to seal the deal with an attractive young lady. She agreed to go.
But the manager which is most likely the boss, and his seven sons, which were most likely unrelated low level thugs, wouldn’t let her leave with him, until he stayed longer and bought more drinks. Way more drinks than he should be buying.
He knew what was up. Told them he spent all the cash on drinks and left alone back to his hotel room to jerk off.
Don’t Ever Have Sex with Ladyboys – Unless You Can Handle the Consequences
I met a few guys that I thought would never, ever have sexual encounters with ladyboys. But they did. The end results were not pretty.
After a hard night of drinking to forget that they “allegedly” sucked dick, I kept hearing them say how much they hated themselves. And they’d go on and on.
I’d just tell them to shut up. Pull up them big boy pants and forget about it.
I’ve never had sex with ladyboys in the Judea/Christian sense of the word. I have had blowjobs from a few. Could be more. Cause it’s harder and harder to tell these days. Anyways, this isn’t about me.
Point is if you’re curious or a budding bi-sexual, don’t freak the hell out after the fact. Treat your body like an amusement park and enjoy the ride sensibly.
Stay in the red light districts. Use condoms. Screwed a ladyboy? Oh well, move along, nothing to see here. Life moves on. And for god sakes don’t kiss and eat whore pussies! You’ll be happy you did!
Things I Do in the Red Light Districts of Thailand
Take Your Time – Never Hurry – You’ll Be Back
I’ve met a lot of dip shit newbies in the bars and massage parlors. You can tell who they are. They’re sweating profusely because they’re dressed like they’re going to eat at a fancy Sunday buffet. Their lips look dry while staring down at a massage service menu. Not making eye contact with anyone at all because they’re too nervous and shy.
No one is judging you.
They’ve been inside already for 10 minutes reading every single letter and detail. Until another John steps in through the doors so he quickly picks the best massage girl out of the lot before someone lays their grubby hands on her.
I just described myself to a T when I first started coming here 20 plus years ago.
I was a major dip shit. I wore a three piece suit and walked around in search of Thai prostitutes. I’m not joking. I was dripping in sweat. I tried to cram in as much bang sessions I could, within a 20 hour time span. I might’ve pushed a few customers out of the way.
I was n Bangkok and Pattaya for one week only. Do I split my time evenly? Do I stay in Bangkok more days or Pattaya?
Don’t Ever Be a Prick Like Me – There’s Always Time
The answer, stay in Bangkok for more days. That’s where the airports are. You don’t need to spend that precious one to three hours getting to the airports to catch your flight back to nowheresville.
This website is crammed full of massage shops that are super easy to find. Then, when you’re done checking those out, check out a soapy massage like Taragon and see how it compares with others.
Don’t worry, foreigners are welcome to this one. Only thing is you might be the only foreigner inside. Because this is one of the fewest mentioned soapy massage parlors on this here internet.
Go in and check it out and see if Taragon massage girls are right for you. Remember, if you don’t like what you see you can always leave.
But… But… I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Be Back in Thailand…
Bullshit. For some reason most guys think they’ll never be back in Thailand. They’ve fallen so in love with their brief encounter with the whores of Thailand that they get the shakes. Not unless they’re murders and rapist. In that case, please don’t come here.
But if you’re a non-violent cretin with a relatively good job and fair pay, you’ll be back. You’ll find someway, somehow, to crawl back here. Trust me.
So take your time here. Don’t rush and familiarize yourself with the Bangkok’s red light districts. The second time back in Thailand will be your best. Because you’ll know what to expect and have some experience under your belt.
Make The Trip Your Very Own
Twenty years ago, there weren’t so many websites with information about the places to go find prostitutes in Thailand.
There were message boards and even groups you could join like I did when AOL was still popular. That’s where I went to seek out and gather intel about places to visit and general tips about the pay for play scene.
It’s great to have all that information, especially about prices for Thai prostitutes at the time. And also places I should go check out, like the BJ bars which were wildly popular and prevalent twenty years ago.
But to be honest, I found a couple of gems all by my lonesome. Establishments that I never read about on messaging boards and groups. Were there assholes keeping secrets so no one crowded their spaces? Probably? But most likely not.
Don’t Be a Lazy Shit – Remember to Take Notes and Photos
You see it’s, very intimidating to go to someplace where no one that you personally know has ever been inside to. We’ve all heard about those scams inside the sex shows at Patpong. We want our cocks shaken down and not our wallets.

There will be places that you pass by and want to check out the talent. But maybe you got diarrhea and have to hurry back to your hotel room. When you’re outside again you forgot where you saw the shop as most look the same.
You’ve got yourself a smart phone so be a smartie boy and use it to take photos and notes.
Today, there are new sex bars and happy ending massage shops still opening up. When I see a new one, I’ll go in, ask for prices, check out the joint and decided if I want to stay and spend some cash.
If they ask my name I just tell them my name is Art Vandaelay. Just in case any of these shop owners read my blogs.
After seeing a line up of not so pretty faces, I just politely excuse myself, say goodbye and head out the door. If I find one I’d like to bang against a wall I’ll pay.
Never feel pressured to spend your hard earned cash. Remember that.
Don’t Do As I Say, Do As I Do
If you read the comments on my blog posts you’ll often come across questions asking me for advice about massage shops that I’ve never reviewed on this blog.
I have been inside every single go go bar, naughty massage parlor and soapy massage in the major red light districts of Thailand, at least once.
If I’ve never written a review about any particular establishment, it’s because I didn’t have so many positive things to write about. That doesn’t necessarily mean I do not recommend the joint. I don’t like shitting on people’s businesses. Not unless the establishment absolutely deserves it or is asking for a negative review.
People might think I’m getting paid by massage shops to write glowing reviews. That’s not true at all. No one can afford me. I’m keeping it that way.
I always recommend everyone to go and check out places on their own. Even if I don’t like a certain place, it doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. So go in and take a peek for yourselves
And since I have a lot of time here I always go back to places that didn’t do anything for me the first time. You never know, things change. Fat chicks out. Skinny girls with big titties in.
I’m always willing to give the establishments second chances and more to impress me.
February 23, 2020 @ 4:07 pm
Hi Jimmy, long time lurker, 1st time poster. Website is really awesome for information and lay of the land for Bangkok. 1st trip Jan 2019 for about 1 1/2 weeks, went directly to Lolita’s next day, got something to eat nearby, then walked up to Soi 6 and found Kasalong just to scope it out for next time, then said hell why not now!. Even though one is on Soi 8 and the other Soi 6, discovered they’re basically next door, just need to walk around the corner; you can stand at that corner and see both places, lol. On the way out, thinking why have I not been coming to Bangkok for years now, my kind of place! Eventually worked my way to all of the BJ bars I could find, and a few of the massage places during the day. At night bounced between Soi Cowboy, and Nana, however I find that I prefer Nana, eventually finding one of the gogo dancers that intrigued me, and went for short time. This year Jan 2020, went for the better part of a month. Having read your posts on Analisa at their new location went there for the 4 hand glory hole option. Probably ended up there 6 or 7 times this trip, different girls, different selections. Several short times with various girls from the gogo bars. I know it cost more than the street girls but assuming most places have all their girls tested and freelancers who knows. Being retired now a few years, this is first time with any ED type issues, slowed me down quite a bit, in hindsight maybe a good thing as even though I took a huge wad of $$ this time planning to go all out this trip, didn’t run out but didn’t bring that much back either. I just spot read a few of your articles before this trip, now that I’m back finding other articles I should have read, but there’s always next year. A few of the frustrating things: not having cell service, except where I can find a local WiFi connection, more tolerable this year, then on 1st trip. Read somewhere it’s possible to find cheap local phones, but wasn’t able to find anything so far. Was thinking to try Smooch but need credit card to pay/register, so don’t want that showing up on my statement for the wife to see, no idea how to work around that ATM. Also very fond of “regular” foot massage, and Thai massages, however find the quality from place to place varies from poor to excellent; the one on the top floor of Terminal 21 I found to be the best, and consistent service. Somewhere I had read that one way to tell a normal non-sexual shop and the ones with poor massage with extras is the normal ones will give you a uniform, loose fitting boxer shorts and a loose fitting button up shirt; well not so much! Stopped in one place for a Thai massage, rather nice looking girl got my attention, put “uniform on”, so-so massage to start then a few minutes after the flip, eyes closed about to drift off, something didn’t feel quite right, girl had front of boxers down, one hand cupping my balls, the other wrapped around junior, with a big smile on her face “you like?”. Already had setup something for later with another girl, I’d seen before, so had to tell her and junior not today… girl was disappointed, and junior was really pissed. All in all, was a great trip, did a lot, made mistakes but it’s all part of the process. Looking forward to going again. Would like to find some bars, or similar where it’s not so dang loud, I find it difficult to hear conversations with any of the girls, all the go-go bars, or places like any of the Hillarie’s on Soi4 for example… just to loud, but OK if just there for a few drinks. Walked thru Therme, out of curiosity mainly, saw a few that I’d probably give a 2nd look, then again I’m rather picky. After round trip ticket from US and hotel costs, etc the overwhelming amount of options with limited time, I don’t have to settle.
January 19, 2020 @ 3:52 am
So Jimmy Jimmy. Wassup nigga, coming back to the Kok in late Sept same bat time, same bat channel. This time, tho, gonna bang less pussy, quality over quantity. And hopefully less rashes. But heard that they sell viagra in the pharmacies along Sukhumvit too? Def. gonna partake as my Kok is not as lively as the Kok, if you get my meaning. Anyhoo, if I literally replicate my va-k from last year, I’ll still be happy as the sheer assortment of stank is simply mind boggling. And yes, it’s seemingly no longer as cheap as it once was, but compared to what you would get in my neck of the woods, it’s still a bargain by a country mile. This time, one of my goals is to bang a hottie in that fancy high end movie theater with the beds and full buffet. Wish me luck!
Look forward to again, if I may, posting my debaucherous itinerary in real time. Peace out Jimmay,
January 20, 2020 @ 12:32 pm
Hey JV how’s it going buddy? Good to hear from you again! Personally I don’t use ED drugs. I noticed in my age I’m getting slow at starting the engine, but I typically reach the finish line. There’s a Viagra equivalent called Sidagra. It’s totally legit, my friends have used it. It’s the same ingredients as Viagra and it’s produced in Thailand. You’ll find it easily at the pharmacies along Sukhumvit.
I’m glad you’re having fun here, I don’t think it’s that expensive here. Thai hotels are still a bargain. Food if you can consistently eat Thai food or stick with the food courts are still a bargain. Price for sex hasn’t really changed if you stick with freelancers and massage parlors. Sure the strong Baht stings a little but all in all Thailand’s red light districts still a good holiday option for the single man. Cheers!
December 17, 2019 @ 5:12 pm
Hey Jimmy,
First of all, a big thanks from the bottom of my heart for creating this site and sharing your recommendations. It really helped me a lot in planning my trip.
I have one question though, do you know anyplace where I can find some viagra tablets in Pattaya or Bangkok. I think I would need it for my next visit. A blog dedicating to the same topic would be really helpful.
Thanks and Best Regards,
December 18, 2019 @ 2:01 pm
Hi Krish, just go to a pharmacy along Sukhumvit road. Not Boots or Watsons. Same for Pattaya. There are many family run pharmacies along the red light districts selling penis pills with no prescription needed. Cheers!
December 12, 2019 @ 9:18 pm
Hi Jim, firstly many thanks for doing this website and providing a wealth of info.
I have been browsing your site as i have a 51/2 hr layover(1400 to 2130) in Bangkok and want to make the best of it before i head home.
As suggested by you I was planning on visiting the soapies in Huay Kwang- but am a bit concerned that i wil come out smelling too sweet when i reach home! So m question is whether the soapies smell “soapy/perfumed” and is there an option you would suggest to avoid that.
Unfortunately my layover isnt at the ideal time but nothing i can do about it.
Once more thanks for the great work.
December 15, 2019 @ 10:22 am
Hey Joe, don’t worry about the soap. It’s not a strong scent, cheers!
November 4, 2019 @ 11:26 am
Hey Jim! Thank you so much for your informative blogs. We, a group of 7 guys will be visiting BKK shortly. And I have never been there, but I feel I already know so much about the place, just by reading your blogs. Your blogs are that good. And what I love the most is your encouragement to try and experience things on your own. Thank you so very much
November 4, 2019 @ 12:55 pm
Hello Suraj, yes go and check out the places on your own and make it your own trip. Cheers!
October 22, 2019 @ 5:43 pm
Hi Jimmy, I have just returned from my first trip (4 days) in Bangkok. Like thousands of others who have read your comments and advice I am deeply indebted to you. I have planned my 4 days and nights based on your reviews and advice. Without which I would have wasted lots of money and time in this ocean of invitations and pretty faces! A bit of background – I’m 65 – but the girsl were kind and guessed 50 – anyway a senior also as an active customer of the industry world-wide (10 countries at least). Bangkok was without doubt the BEST and the ladies I met (following your reveiews of course) were 100% in every way. Here are som of my feedbacks which might help others. I concentrated on Paradise and Bangkok Outcall which show the the full range of their Passion ladies. I whatsapped them both with my questions and preferences and got instant feedback.At Passion I went to themon 2 days and had 2 x 2 hour full-service soapy for 2800,-. As you say – a must. They do it all body-to-body and lingam, bare back bj, silky stocking etc. Rooms ok and I was recommended Rin was so slim g/f experience. At Paradise I ordered 3 x 2 hour call-out as my hotel was good with this – and it’s the same price as being at their shop. I asked for their Dom.Mistresses as I’d never tried that. Something I suggest all well-travelled men (and women) should experience. Super sexy Paula and Lisa both with unique tie-up, blindfold, tease and denial which lasted the full 120 mins. Toys and medium slapping and whips which was cooling and hot! I have a foot and red toenails and high heel festish also and theirs where perfect – and they knew how to use them! I tried Bitstyle also and had 2 great hours with their new, young “school girl”. She was a perfect Japanese cartoon character with bob hair, pouting lips and so shy! Took me some minutes to get over my barriers – but as you say Jimmy – in Bangkok you are free to enjoy the goodies. I love their bowing and appreciation which made me feel really appreciated. Nana was a one night visit and ended really well. I saw lots and lots of stunning ladies – and found 2 bikini clad girls chatting together that caught my attention and within seconds my heart etc was pounding. One said she was a ladyboy – and I thought why not. Bar fine and a room at Nana and 1500. Didn’t live up to my expectations – but no regrets. I asked about her girlfriend afterwards – and she said you can take her to your hotel. She was on a seconds look drop-dead georgeous. Very good english and soon we were back at the hotel. I was ceratin she was a she – but no a ladyboy when she came out of the bathroom! Now that was a truely amazing 2 hours. Beyond expactations. Next night a bar near Nana and a longtime with a 40 y/o (looked 30) who was filmstar beautiful. Next morning I decided not to try an older girl or more than 3 hours on the next days. Too much talk and history. Next up was your smooci recomendation. The girls and ladyboys are stunning here. But busy! I finally got a ladyboy who again was so feminine, hot and willing. 2hrs at 3000,-at my hotel room. Blew my mind literally! Next time I’ll join their membership and book ahead both girls and l/bs. Well-worth the value. I also tried a bareback bj at Lolitata’s – which didn’t do it for me – curtains and hearing other as well as fully-clothed girl.Cheap but with only about maximum 3 shots a day – better to pay a bit more. In between I had straight 60 – 90 min full body oil massages, great thai food, swims and relaxing by the pool. One regret – if i’d had energy I should have cruised outside Nana and picked a couple of the beauties hanging there for about 1500 for an hour, no barfine etc, and you get to chat before deciding. But i didn’t feel too comfortable with all the beer drinkers looking across at me though. 4 days with a total of 11 x 2 hours was a lot of beauty, fun and variation. I want to return next year and will read your advice and tips before I leave. Jimmy – thank you so much again!
October 15, 2019 @ 6:56 am
Very informative post:
Personally, I am into kissing A LOT – any suggestions as to how to do this safely? or where to get this “service” from?
Any insight to this would be super helpful!
Thanks 🙂
October 15, 2019 @ 1:32 pm
How to do kissing safely? Don’t kiss lol. But really I don’t have an answer for you if there is one. I suppose if you look like Christiano Rinaldo or Brad Pitt they wouldn’t mind swapping spit with you until sun up.
If you look like me, which isn’t any good, don’t expect a girl to be enthusiastic about kissing. In any case, try and have fun, cheers!
October 10, 2019 @ 10:47 am
I am heading to Bangkok in two weeks staying in Sukhumvit 20. I am looking for a place where I can indulge my kinky needs with a girl. Is there a place where I can indulge my bondage and spanking fetish and get full service.
October 10, 2019 @ 5:29 pm
Hello! There’s two places you can check out. I’m not really into getting tied up and spanked. Try Exotic Massage, I made a review here just do a search and should pop up. The other place is which I went years ago and never went back because the shit there is too strange for me.
October 11, 2019 @ 5:57 am
Thanks Jimmy for the feedback loving your blog and website. Also what is the rule on touching, fingering etc. in the massage parlours.
October 12, 2019 @ 1:32 pm
Sir, that’s a great question. Touching no problem. Fingering is not something all girls are into. You will have to ask. I know, it can be uncomfortable asking a prostitute if you can put a finger knuckles deep inside her pussy. But if that’s what you want to do it’s best to ask up front to avoid disappointments.
September 27, 2019 @ 11:15 am
So here I be in Bangkok, Jimmy, about to head out to the Racthada soapies for the day. Thought I’d impose upon you my lecherous itinerary for this past week. Perhaps your readers would enjoy. Perhaps not.
Anyhoo, I rolled into the Kok this past Sunday afternoon, all jet lagged and horned up, arrive at my hotel in Phrom Phong and proceeded to set out, google maps in hand, over to 7 Heaven where I opted for the three girl BJ all naked, (extra cost btw), but so worth it. Had three young luscious homies, one with amazing torpedo tits and amazingly held out for some time. That evening, I Smoocied up a little lady I’d had my eye on for the night. Long timed her, happily. At this point it was all good.
That Monday, I switch hotels, fall asleep for the day and that evening I utilize Thermae which is just so goddamn convenient. I get a little girl who unfortunately can only do short time but who was magnificent so then I have to go back and get a girl for long time. This one was fromChiang Mai. Turns out it became somewhat difficult to get rid of her the next day. The next day (frankly it’s all getting fuzzy at this point, but I think that’s the day I did the Hentai Lesbian at Mitu massage, which, frankly was way overpriced, and Unsanitary if you ask me. That night I thermae again and was not a good night. Get shot down for being a Westerner by two hot little freelancers and then take home a hot little number, who turns out to literally not shut up for like two hours and I have to send off. I then return to Smooci for to more enjoyable experiences, unfortunately, I think I caught a bit of a rash and was then out of commission for a day or two. Strongly suspect Mitu, but having banged so much poon this week, it’s hard to tell.
Anyway, currently recovering, thanks to the wonderful pharmacies of Sukhumvit, and heading out to Ratchada for a soapy and still haven’t done the massage joints on Soi 24/26 OR even gone to Nana Plaza or Cowboy. Poor planning on my part, admittedly, (along with lots a fucking). Two nights left though so plenty of time.
My advice to first timers here, avoid Thermae. It sounds great and all, and there are hot young freelancers in there, but they quote high prices and the service can be hit or miss. I hit twice and missed once in that respect, but definitely worth it just to play. I probably spent an average of three minutes in there each time. May make sense to be more discerning, Also, remember to pack KY and I would buy some steroid cream as soon as you arrive here just in case, every pharmacy sells it by the truckload as there’s enough yeast infections here to run a bakery.
Oh and for those worried about the “guest friendly” bullshit, I have stayed at two different big box hotels his week and the staff bends over backwards to let you take girls home. They even look out for you, which is the sole reason they take the girls’ Ids. It’s for your protection not theirs, half of these girls are little thieves so use use your common sense (and your hotel safe!).
JVHyattRegency, coming to you live from Bangkok!
Over and out.
September 29, 2019 @ 4:11 pm
Hey JV, looks like you had another smashing experience. Thanks for sharing your experience!
October 7, 2019 @ 4:28 pm
Have to amend my itinerary as the best was indeed yet to come after I wrote that. Having cleared up my rash (mostly), I set out to Ratchada soapiew. First stop was Maria where I had an absolutely stunning 26 year old. Seriously she looked like a model. Experience was first class all the way. Coming out of Maria I headed straight for Poseidon, second floor where I had a Korean looking beauty. By this point, my johnson didnt really work all that great. Next time, viagra, def.
That night another smooci and next day I finally hit Nana Plaza where the buzz was to go to Butterflies. Picked up a young stunner for short time. My last day/night I smoocied a hot Vietnamese chick who enlisted her “sister” but grew tired of them as I still hadnt made it to Cowboy so I sent them off and off I went. Ended up at Shark bar where I long timed two stunners. Fast forward to the next morning and off I went back home to my boring shitty life.
Final Tally:
18 girls in 7 days (incl three 3 ways). My balls still havent started working again.
September 25, 2019 @ 11:02 am
Heading to BKK in October for my first time. Finding this website was a godsend, thanks so much. I have so many pages bookmarked on my laptop lol.
I’m going by myself, since I don’t have any single friends that I know would be ok with partaking in the fun. Their moral high ground is their loss I guess. I am not unfamiliar with pay for play so I’m not nervous about that at all. Maybe just a bit nervous about being alone somewhere very foreign. But at the same time super excited to be there on my own terms.
Can you recommend any bars I might want to hit up during the day, on the off chance I might meet some fellow Americans? Or any site to connect with people who will also be there? I’ll be staying near Soi Cowboy!
Thanks again for all this great info!
September 26, 2019 @ 12:45 pm
What’s up Doc!? Most Americans I know go to Hooters. There are a few now in Bangkok. My favorite one is on Sukhumvit soi 4 a.k.a. Nana Soi 4 on the ground floor of NANA Hotel Other one is on Soi 15 and Silom. It’s clean and relaxing atmosphere and the food is not all that bad. Booze, Wings and Tits should’ve been Hooter’s motto.
Being nervous is normal Doc. By the way, if you’re a real doctor, don’t tell anyone. You’ll be asked to look at genital warts and bombarded with STD questions until sun up. You’ll never have a good time. Cheers!
September 26, 2019 @ 5:10 pm
Don’t worry doc. Thailand is very safe for the solo traveler. 🙂
Check out the Terminal 21 food court (5th floor) on Sukhumvit. Lots of selection and the food is a good value.
September 27, 2019 @ 5:11 am
Nope i’m not a real doctor haha. I just really like Seinfeld, and love that alias.
Thanks for the suggestions. I forgot Hooters is all American. I actually saw it in a video I was watching touring just outside the Nana hotel and a light bulb lit up hehe. I have a feeling I will be spending some time there; some pretty nice looking freelancers hanging out by the parking lot. Was kind of surprising as I expected the hotter/prettier ones would just be in the go go bars.
Terminal 21 food court is on my list as well. And I’m going to stay at the Grande Centre Point a few nights. I decided not to limit myself to just one hotel in case it’s not nice or gets boring so I booked a couple different ones I will hop around to. All close to Soi Cowboy of course.
I’m not really nervous from a safety point of view. Just it will be a new experience for me; probably more excited than anything. I’ll be there for 10 days so I have no intention of rushing into things, but I think my first stop will be a 2 girl BJ at 7 Heaven hehe. As I mentioned I’m not new to pay for play, but not used to approaching strange women or propositioning in public. My escapades are 99% set up online so taking it to the streets or bars will be a new experience.
If anyone is there mid October and sees a guy sitting alone in Hooters feel free to come say hello! Lol
One more question regarding WeChat. I have it on my phone but my account got blocked for no reason I can tell (sign in blocked literally 5mins after I made the account). An overzealous security AI WeChat runs perhaps. I’m going to bring an unlocked phone and pick up a SIM card in BKK. I assume I should have no trouble creating a new account under whatever number they assign?
September 29, 2019 @ 4:15 pm
Ah yes, Dr. Van Nostren 😂. Yes about the WeChat, if you start message random people you’ll get blocked, could be temporarily depending on how enthusiastic you were. Yes, you shouldn’t have a problem with a new number to start up another account.
Don’t worry about approaching women, when it is clearly they are into pay for play. It may be awkward at first, but the best advice I can give you is to live like no one is watching.
October 8, 2019 @ 6:52 pm
Howdy Dr. As an also fellow Americano who just finished up my first solo trip, I would highly recommend that you stick with the agogos at Cowboy and Nana. And get there early. By 9 pm on weekends they’ll be packed and the best pickins might be gone. I found Butterflies in Nana and Shark Bar in Cowboy to have the best choices but ymmv. Crazy horse and Baccara and even Billboards when I was in there had second hand crap but could have just been luck of the draw. Butterflies came recommended highly by guys I met in Hillary 4 and they were spot on. And I also highly highly (did I say highly?) recommend zipping up to Maria Spa and Hotel in Ratchada. For about 300 US smackers you’ll get a 20 something model type for anm hour and a half in a nice room. it’s a hike yes, but well worth it. Also second 7 heaven, as they have a nice selection of young girls, but strictly BJs. As far as Mitu, I thought it overpriced and sucky. my two cents. Happy hunting.
September 20, 2019 @ 4:27 am
Hi Jimmy,
I’ll be over there next week for 7 nights and wanted to know if you could recommend a good place to get a foot job happy ending. Never had one before and want to try it out.
September 20, 2019 @ 3:57 pm
Yo Kristopher, how’s it going? I think Exotic Massage offer that type of service. They do a lot of things other massage shops don’t do. Cheers!
September 19, 2019 @ 7:06 am
Jimmy: Will be there Sunday for a week. your Sunday, not my Sunday (hint). And solo too. Don’t need some guy weighing me down talking about sports. Fuck sports. I’m there to fuck hot Asian broads. Sports can wait. I have a list of agogos, soapies, freelancer bars and massage joints (and Smooci whores) longer than my arm (plus my pecker). Oh, and a Bank account full o’ cash. But thanks to you, I will not. Repeat not overpay. May report my progress just because. Haven’t jerked off or banged my wife in almost a month saving up.
Let the games begin……..
September 19, 2019 @ 3:29 pm
What’s up JV?! Back again so soon? Whoa one day, just one day we will probably end up drinking next to each other. Or I’ll be in the next room knocking head boards from you at one of the massage joints. I like your attitude, cheers!
September 18, 2019 @ 12:36 pm
Hey Jimmy,
Had my first trip to Bkk in August and thanks to your blog had a good idea of what to expect and what not to do. Cheers mate!!
Travelling back this October and want to try out new stuff. Could you recommend which would be a great massage place to try out a nuru massage (may be a 4 hands one)?
September 18, 2019 @ 6:56 pm
Only place I recommend for a nuru is Mitu. Search on this blog and ye shall find. They do have girls for threesome but it’ll be expensive. Cheers!
September 17, 2019 @ 3:05 am
Hi Jimmy, great info. Middle-aged first-timer here. Always wear condoms when receiving oral as well? Thx, Steve
September 17, 2019 @ 10:53 am
Hey Stephan, I can only speak for myself. I’ve had hundreds of bareback blowjobs and I’ve never had a STI issue. My friends never had a problem too, not unless they’re not being honest about it. But if I did, I’d tell everyone here to get a covered BJ. Ultimately you will have to decide for yourself. Sorry I don’t have a definitive and profound answer. Cheers!
September 9, 2019 @ 4:15 am
I want to book a guest/girl friendly hotel in Bangkok under $30 i think nasa vegas is good but I don’t know if it is guest friendly hotel?
September 9, 2019 @ 2:40 pm
Hello John, I typically don’t recommend going staying at hotel that far. Why not stay within the red light districts. I just checked rates for Heaven at 4 hotel, just a few minutes walk to Nana Plaza. It’s only $35USD and has better reviews than Nasa Vegas. Also guest friendly with no doubt.
September 8, 2019 @ 11:23 pm
Glad to see this new blog entry Jimmy. Btw, will you be posting a review about Taragon or any new places in Bkk soon? Thanks!
September 9, 2019 @ 2:31 pm
Hi ElGuapo, I typically write about places that I have positive things to say about. And places that are safe and easy for perverts like us to visit. Taragon I am mixed about sharing, it’s not exactly far, but sometimes I’m worried someone reading this will go and get taken advantage of. I might just make a short post including some photos just for the fun of it though.
Also last few times I went, there weren’t a lot of good looking girls. I know they are there, I’ve seen them walking around. But I always felt the papasans at Taragon keep showing me girls that don’t have a lot of customers. That’s just my feeling, I could be wrong.
September 1, 2019 @ 8:41 pm
Hi Jimmy,
I was in Bangkok previous winter and had alot of fun thanks to your guides. I will be going back in 4 months. Planning on spending 1 week in Pattaya and then probably like 15 days in Bangkok. So some Pattaya info would be realy great. Esp on prices / or masage salons, as i realy enjoyed Mitu in bangkok (already have 100K baht saved up only for Mitu since they are expensive, but worth it.) This time im also planning to try something more kinky like demonia club. But i coudnt rly find much detailed info about theses on the internet.
September 1, 2019 @ 9:33 pm
Hello Michael, glad to know my stuff was helpful to you. Yes, I have some Pattaya posts lined up hot and ready. Pattaya doesn’t really have an organized massage presence as Bangkok. There’s nothing like Mitu in Pattaya. And prices in Pattaya are always a tad bit cheaper. Demonia, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time. Used to be super popular when there were more Japanese expats in Bangkok.
Anyways, Demonia is way too freaky for me. And I thought I wasn’t a prude. But a few times I went there like 10 years ago I saw things I didn’t ever think was possible at a sex joint in the city. I don’t know if it’s the same today. But after what happened I didn’t have the balls to go in anymore. There are some freaky bat shit sex crazed people in this city. I guess that’s why I’m living here.
August 31, 2019 @ 7:42 pm
So glad that you have back.
Thought you will never update the blog again😥
September 1, 2019 @ 9:40 am
Hey Leo, always been here and answering comments. Will also be adding some more info about Pattaya soon. Cheers mate!