How Bangkok’s Red Light Districts Hooked Me In
The first time I visited Bangkok, Thailand was in 1995. I was a young, fit, wide-eyed white guy standing on the precipice of Soi Cowboy at midnight. I still remember it clearly to this day.
I could feel the neon lights sear into my cortex as Thai greeter girls in tight uniforms groped and fondled me on the street. I had a raging boner in my pants.
I warily walked into a go-go bar with dozens of pretty brown Thai girls baring and shaking their titties at me with their tight bods wrapped around stripper poles.
I bar fined a beautiful tanned skin Thai bar girl and she tamed my boner several times until morning. I still remember her. She’s the one that popped my Bangkok cherry.
The night after that I went to Nana Entertainment Plaza where I had my first ever threesome experience with a pair of girls from Isaan (I believe they were cousins).
I nearly fucked a ladyboy in Patpong red light district and vomited afterward.
I dodged filthy ping pong balls launched out of a hag’s pussy at a sex show. I still remember the distinct sound it made, “foop, foop, foop…” as tourists were catching the balls for souvenirs.
On my final night, I was in the hands of a beautiful light skinned Thai soapy massage girl. She blew me, rode me cowgirl style and then gave me a pedicure out of the kindness of her heart. I wanted to ask her to marry me right then and there.
Seriously, I didn’t want to leave her.
My eyes were opened and everything for me changed. Bangkok’s red-light districts sunk its grisly meat hooks deep into me. When I left Thailand I had a serious case of the Bangkok blues. I couldn’t wait to get back there.
Chances are the first time you visited Bangkok and left you’re going to feel the same way.

Go Go Bars, Happy Ending Massage Shops, Beer Bars and Soapy Massage – I’m Sharing it All With You
Hey everyone, my name is Jim Hunt. I’m the jack ass that wrote all the tips and advice about Bangkok’s red-light districts on this website. I can’t have my photo here. I’ve been told I resemble George Clooney. That is if he was 80 years old with a chin shaped like a scrotum. I’m in my early 50’s.
Which is not bad so I’ll take it as a compliment.
I’ve been living in Bangkok for over 10 years. Before that, I’ve been traveling back and forth from my home country and Thailand for another 10+ years. That’s a long time. And a lot of pussy. So my head is filled with all sorts of sordid knowledge and details about Bangkok’s nightlife.
I also hop over to Pattaya a lot too. Though I prefer Bangkok. Still working on my Pattaya red light district guide so hang on a bit. It’s coming.
A lot of people who read what I write email me with all kinds of questions. Most of them looking for more details about Bangkok’s sex industry. And a little asking me about my private life. And some just looking to be assholes.
They think I’m living the dream. Sleeping with Thai prostitutes as well as hookers from other countries on a whim. Well, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine I can tell you that.
But that’s life. We have some bad days. And then we go to Bangkok for good fun with a beer in one hand. And with the other hand squeezing a Thai bar girl’s titty.
My Current Stats Updated Monthly (Since 1995)
Hand Jobs
Blow Jobs
Full Service
How Many Prostitutes I’ve Had Sex With
I’ve averaged out the number of Thai women I’ve had sex with within Thailand alone. And that number is 1631 with no repeats. That’s the straight up average number of how many individual Thai women I’ve “transacted” with from my 20+ years in Thailand.
I’m not anywhere near the legendary Wilt Chamberlain’s prowess and he loved three ways. I’ve had my fair share of threesomes in Bangkok as well but I don’t think I can ever top Wilt’s alleged 20,000.
The 1631 number to date, is a conservative estimate. And I’m only counting intercourse, not Bill Clinton’s definition of sex. During the first half of the decade in Thailand, I really went buck wild. There were many months I’ve had between 7 to 10 girls. I’ve done a lot of double and even triple sessions in one day. Those days are long gone now.
It’s only the last 5 years I’ve started slowing down to 3 or 4 individual girls per month. And even then my number is low compared to other degenerates I know trolling the streets of Bangkok.
What I Do For a Living
I am a marine biologist. My field of expertise is Pinnipeds so I study and research the lives of seals, walruses, sea lions, etc. from life birth to death.
While I’m not on the field researching wild pinnipeds in their natural habitats I am working in aquariums around the world where I care and look after the well being of captive walruses. Walruses have primal sex drive the likes you have never seen.
It’s very similar to humans except male bull walruses can weigh up to 3500 lbs. So if a male walrus wants a piece of walrus pussy it’s going to get it.
I once unknowingly got between a bull walrus in heat while I was feeding a female walrus. I also once got between a 300lbs. man in heat and a Thai bar girl. Both scenarios did not end well for the ladies.
Who are we kidding? I’m not a marine biologist and do you really care what I do? You just want to find out more information about Thai prostitutes in Bangkok and pay them money for sex.
Now the bit about the 300lbs. man in heat with a Thai bar girl, that part really happened.
My Thoughts on Paying for Sex with Thai Prostitutes
One morning I woke up to a crazy email typed in all caps letters. The email read I was going to burn in hell with brimstones and fire around me. And it was a long email.
Someone decided to hate me because I’m writing about my experiences in Bangkok’s red-light districts and sharing it on a daily basis on my website.
“Daily basis on my website”, were the exact words used. Does he or she know how the web works? You can’t turn it off. Not really at least.
Obviously written by a Catholic that prefers being beaten by young boys with big rubber dildos in the nude. Does he even know what the Roman Catholic Church has been involved in sex scandals with minors?
And then I nudge awake the Thai bargirl, I bar fined the night before from Soi Cowboy. And she gave me a slow and sweet blow job. With morning head and a cup of strong black coffee, everything was fine and back to normal.
Sex for sale in Thailand was here way longer than Mr. Johnny Foreigner first got here
Okay, the subject of prostitution is touchy. I acknowledge that there are women all over the world forced into it. And that is truly terrible.
In the red light districts of Thailand, it’s not like that at all. Thai women are free to enter the sex industry and free to leave and do something else. I have never come across any place of business with prostitutes where women are forced into the industry. Even if I did I’d avoid it.
Prostitution was present in Thailand. Way longer than the time the sex industry based on the appetites of foreigners exploded in Thailand during and after the Vietnam War.

What you see in and around Bangkok and Pattaya is just a tip of the iceberg. Local Thai men have places they go for Thai pussy. The places they visit isn’t exactly the same caliber as Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, and Patpong.
But still, prostitution is prevalent in the country with Thai men forming the bulk customer base. Even when it is technically illegal. Sex for sale in Thailand is not something foreigners have a monopoly on in Thailand.
In a nutshell here’s what I think about prostitution. I am paying for something to get something from someone willing to sell it by their free will. That’s pretty much all there is to it.
My Review Process
As you can see I’m starting to write some blog reviews about the places I visited at Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza and Patpong. Even the two unofficial red light districts Phrom Phong and Huay Kwang in Bangkok.
I mostly write reviews about places I enjoy visiting again and again. If I’m not keen on a particular massage shop or a go go bar in Bangkok I simply don’t mention them.
As a businessman myself, I know the power of reviews. I also know running a happy ending massage shop or a go go bar business is not easy. Stocking their businesses with the prettiest Thai ladies is difficult today because it’s a competitive business.
Every business owner is out to make a living and pay wages. So I understand.
I also know not everybody is going to have the same exact experience as I do and vice versa. But for me, that’s the fun part of what I do. And you will too when you go out on your own.
Honestly, what I do is not scientific at all
I pick a place and just go in. Let’s take for example my Paradise Massage Review. When I went in for the first time I received great service from a cute Thai massage girl.
The second time I went in I chose a different girl and got sub-par service. The third time I went in I had a great time with a different Thai massage girl.
That’s 2 times I had good service with a pretty girl at Paradise Massage out of 3. And that’s how I know I can recommend a happy ending massage shop or go go bars or whatever to you.
I also look at how easy the location is to find. What kind of services are available and how clean the massage shop is. And I go back to the same places quite often just to see if there’s any info I can update. That’s all to it.
No one knows I’m writing reviews and I pay for everything out of my own pocket.
Why I Don’t Have Advertisements on My Website
When I first started this horribly designed website I had advertisements from escort agencies, go go bars and happy ending massage shops.
And yeah, I made some decent beer money.
And then I received a crapload of complaints from readers about the services that I allowed to advertise on this website. It was too much to take so I decided you know what, I’m just going to drop the advertisements.
Whether you believe me or not I try to give you the best possible information out there so you can have the best time possible experiences in the red light districts of Bangkok.
I am often approached by escort agencies to sell advertisement space on this website. I would love to help them out. And my alcohol expenses are high.
But if I truly know for a fact that an escort agency provides the best service they can to my readers then I will be more than happy sell them some space. But they’re going to have to pay me a lot of money.
Asked to Join Threesomes by Total Strangers
Ever so often I get requests by couples to join their threesome sessions in Bangkok. Maybe you know from now by my writing I like to joke a lot. But this one is real my friends.
I would say I receive email requests 3 times a year to tag team someone’s wife or a Thai prostitute. There’s a lot of freaky people out there. I’m one of them. So I’m not judging.
I’ve done a lot of disgusting things in my life. But one thing I refuse to do is cross swords with another man.
Have I Ever Had Sex with Thai Ladyboy

This is a question I am often asked frequently. Have I ever done it with a Thai ladyboy? Over the years, ladyboys are becoming a very popular topic within Bangkok’s sex industry circle.
Just look at the amount of all ladyboy go go bars in Nana Plaza. First time I was in Nana all those years ago there were none.
No, I have never had sex with a ladyboy. However, my ladyboy detector malfunctioned once (or was it twice) and I got a blow job from a Katoey or two (not at the same time, mind you).
She or it was a post-op ladyboy and I felt her up and couldn’t feel anything so I went with it. When it came time to bang her she kept covering her “vagina”.
I asked her to take her hands off cause I like to look. Yes, I’m a pervert and I’m damned proud of it. She took her hands off, blushed and giggled.
Today, I’ve seen enough vaginas in my lifetime to know when one is off kilter. Kudos to her doctor for creating a beautiful vagina. But I can recognize a fake just by the smell of it.

The Moral of the Story
You might get sucked off or you might actually plug a post-op ladyboy. But if it happened don’t freak out. It’s not the end of the world. Chances are nobody back home knows about it and it’ll be something you take alone to your grave. Except for the guy with tits, you shoved your dick into.
Today, the world of medical sexual reassignment procedures are shockingly sophisticated. Walk up and down Sukhumvit between Nana and Soi Cowboy you will see stunning Thai ladyboys that look better than the real thing.
After living in Thailand all these years, the initial shock of men in makeup wearing dresses and high heel shoes have worn off a long time ago.
Hanging around the businesses within Bangkok’s red-light districts you will find a ton of ladyboys. If you are not into them then pay them no mind.
Why Won’t You Hang Out With Me?
I also get a lot of emails from first-time visitors asking me if I can hang out with them. To be their wingman in the go go bars or after-hours clubs.
I get it. You’ll be so nervous you’ll feel like you need to take a shit.
Coming to Bangkok for the very first time on your very own seems scary. When I first went to the red light districts my legs got all wobbly. I couldn’t speak Thai. I wasn’t dressed for the humid nights in Bangkok so I was sweating my nuts off.
I overpaid money by following a tout to a soapy massage parlor. I paid 5000THB for short time and wondered why that Thai bar girl wouldn’t let me out of her sight. It wasn’t for my good looks. 5000THB for letting me bang at her for an hour was very good money 20 years ago.
That One Moment in Life You Wish You Could Erase from Memory
This happened during my second trip to Bangkok. I went to an after-hours club alone. It was packed full of sex tourists and Thai hookers. It was the perfect hunting ground for pussy.
Ahead of me was a table with three hot Thai girls wearing super tight body-hugging dresses. Two wore black and one wore gold. They were shaking their skinny bodies to the music and their tits looked like they were going to burst out of their tops.
They were alone huddled together with plenty of guys all around their table. Obviously, those newbies were too nervous to approach such beauties.
But I wasn’t. I had youth and a half a bottle of cheap Thai whiskey inside of me on my side.
First, I introduced myself. Then I bought all of them drinks. Several shots of tequila and whiskey with another round to follow. Then I honed in on the girl in the gold dress and danced with her to the beat of the Spice Girls on the packed dance floor.
She was grinding me so hard that I pitched a tent in my pants. And through the smoke and sweat filled air I could still smell her sweet skin as she pulled me closer to her titties.
A few more rounds of tequila and back to the dance floor we went. I did the white man’s overbite and just when everything went perfectly, and when I mean perfectly I mean she looked drunk, I asked her the big question.
Making my cool move
“How much for overnight?” I shouted over the music. She said 5000THB and promised me a blow job so amazing she will suck the skin off of my cock (that was really said to me). And she reached over and sensually played with my earlobe with her tongue while massaging my hard-on.
Wow, no ones ever said that to me. But hold on. I’m not sold yet.
Play it cool I told myself. 5000THB is what chumps pay I told myself. I countered back with 3000THB. And she agreed. I bit my lip and pumped my fist out of excitement.
This ain’t so bad I said. I got it all figured out now.
I know the guys around me must’ve been so jealous. They were all grinning from ear to ear. Some were laughing so hard on the outside but I know they were just clowns crying from the inside. Some just looked at me with their mouths wide open while shaking their heads. No doubt out of jealousy and shock.
When things don’t appear to be what they seem
I hope they all took notes on how the masterworks.
My girl for the night gave all her friends a high five as we left. I was like wow, these Thai chicks are really interesting. I love Thailand!
One old drunk guy, we passed next to our table slurred out the words “Ride him hard!” with his friends howling with laughter. But I’m pretty sure the drunken idiot meant “Ride her hard!” With a sheepish smile, I shouted back don’t worry I’m going to.
The drunk guy replied he was talking to my date.
Anyways that was 20 years ago…
Looking back I’m happy I made those mistakes. And chances are you’ll make some too. Though none as epic as mine. Maybe you’re not medically diagnosed as retard like me. And you’d probably be able to spot a ladyboy a mile away even if it’s your first visit to Bangkok’s nightlife.
Regardless, today you’ve got all the information you’ll ever need right on the palm of your hand. Most mistakes I made I learned from and willingly share on this website. No matter how utterly embarrassing my blunders are.
Now is the best time to visit Bangkok’s Nightlife with the information found on this website.
I can tell you for sure today it’s so much easier to find what you’re looking for inside Bangkok’s red sex industry compared to my first foray 20 years ago. More Thais working in the hospitality industry can speak some English now. The past 10 years Bangkok is becoming very tourist friendly.
You have a website like this that shows you how much Bangkok prostitutes charge and where to find them. The price of bar fines at the go go bars. And how much you should be paying for short time and long time. And where to find action day time and night time in Bangkok.
There’s a subway and Sky Train system in central Bangkok that can take you to all of the major red light districts. And know how to get to them by following the steps on this website.
How much easier can all this get?
That’s Why I Created Bangkok Red Eye Guide
I made this website so visitors to Bangkok’s red light districts like you have the information and knowledge to deal with whatever comes head-on.
Doesn’t matter if you’re a first-timer or a seasoned whore monger looking for what’s new. There’s no need for me to hand hold you. I even wrote a guide specifically for all the newbies here.
I started a blog here with up to date reviews of go go bars, happy ending massage parlors and soapy massage parlors. All of my reviews are independent. I don’t get compensated one single Baht nor receive any favors for writing reviews of any places I visit.
I can’t tell you how many times I received proposals to be a bachelor party ringleader. With offers of paying me well too.
So I wrote a post on The Guy’s Night Out in Bangkok guide you can use free of charge. It’s a tried true and tested guide for bachelor parties or just for guys looking to have a good experience and stories to tell back home. You’re welcome.
Here’s a Chance to Buy Me a Beer
Frequently guys also send me emails saying they want to buy me a beer as a way of saying thanks for showing them the ropes. I’m really flattered.
And I do my best writing while I’m wasted with vomit stuck to my shirt.
Ever so often I would take up the offer. And in turn, meet a lot of incredible new friends. Regretfully I can not meet up with everyone. As much as I would love to meet people and share war stories I can’t. Though I would certainly appreciate contributions to my beer fund.
Because I enjoy making this website the best guide to Bangkok’s red light districts as I possibly can for everyone to enjoy.